Detail Buku


Offline: Finding Yourself in the Age of Ditractions

Nomor Buku 11357 170
Series ANW
Pengarang Anwar Desi o
Penerbit Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Kota Terbit Jakarta
Tahun Terbit 2020
Subyek Etika & Filosofi Moral
Klasifikasi 170
ISBN 978-6020640594
Kolasi 978-6020640594
Kelompok Berjalan
This collection of reflections is to remind us of some of the things we can turn our distracted minds to, when we can direct our attention to what are in front of us, above us, and more importantly, within us, using all the senses that we were all born with. They are a rediscovery of some of the things we have forgotten how to do or have put aside in favour of our all consuming electronic toys, and an attempt to help us reconnect once more with our senses and our natural gifts. So, why not put your smartphones, tablets, games, gadgets and anything with a screen, down for a few minutes. Take a deep breath and look up. Because at the end of the day, it is not just any journey we are making, but a journey to discover and appreciate who we are and what makes us human


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