Detail Buku


New Rules Of Money, The: A Playbook For Planning Your Financial Future

Nomor Buku 11369 336
Series LAM
Pengarang Lam, Bourree n
Edisi 1
Penerbit Clarkson Potter Publisher
Kota Terbit New York
Tahun Terbit 2023
Subyek Keuangan
Klas 336 - KEUANGAN
Klasifikasi 336
ISBN 978-0593234235
Kolasi 207 hlm; 23 cm
Kelompok Berjalan
Overcome your fears of money, break old spending habits, and become more mindful of your personal finances with this fun, illustrated workbook from the Wall Street Journal.

The personal-finance playbook followed by past generations doesn’t add up in today’s world. In a market where buying a first home can feel out of reach thanks to sky-high housing prices and mortgage rates and investing seem so complicated, it's time for some new money rules! WSJ personal finance reporters Bourree Lam and Julia Carpenter help you start where you are. Use these pages
Whether you're just getting ready to start paying back student loans or you're well into saving for retirement (but not sure if you're saving enough), The New Rules of Money ’s worksheets, check lists, quizzes, and other interactive learning tools will help you gain clarity on what you're spending your money on and why you want to save, so you can (finally!) reach your financial goals.

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